BACHMANN: shop by manufacturer



BACHMANN PDU Ranges and PDU products



Checkout BACHMANN's Blu=Net Range of PDU's call for project pricing and availability



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* These products are special order from Germany 

* Please call for latest prices and availability


BachMann PDU Products

Intelligent IP Metered PDUs (BN2000)

Input Metered / Overall Metered PDUs - allowing the engineer or operator to monitor overall power, current & voltage into the PDU. (x2 Sensor Ports for Monitoring).

Intelligent Inline Meters (BN3000)

Intelligent Inline meters - for energy and capacity management, network-capable, PDU level, monitor power, current & voltage at each outlet. (x4 Sensor Ports for Monitoring).

Intelligent IP Switched Outlet PDUs (BN7000)

Switched Outlet PDUs - allowing the engineer or operator to remotely cycle or turn/off individual outlets on the PDU. (x4 Sensor Ports for Monitoring). 

Intelligent IP Switched & Monitored PDUs (BN7500)

Switched Outlet & Monitored PDUs: The most advanced PDU - allowing remote outlet control & power monitoring. (x4 Sensor Ports for Monitoring).


Basic PDUs - built to a high quality standard by German manufacturing, with a variety of models available. (UK, C13, C13+C19)



Local Metered PDUs (BN0500)

Local Metered PDUs - allowing the engineer or operator to locally monitor overall power, current & voltage into the PDU.



BachMann PDU Accessories

Environmental Sensors

BlueNet BN3000 (BN70/BN75)

Temperature & Humidity 

GPIO Module

GPIO module: central interface between BlueNet PDUs and external devices (I.e. Additional Sensors)


 Checkout Compatible Sensors ? 


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Innovative, individual, international




Whether you work in an office or operate an entire data centre? Then the chances are you already know BACHMANN. The company with Swabian roots was established over 70 years ago, in 1948. Today it is a globally active, owner-managed group of companies operating in the electrical engineering industry. Headquartered in Stuttgart, Germany, the BACHMANN Group develops, manufactures and distributes products and services for various fields of application. These include:


  • Electronic components and systems, such as intelligent power distribution units ( PDU ) Branded as BACHMANN or Blu-Net
  • Emotional products such as award-winning desk connection panels
  • Digital services and solutions that feature superior added value, such as flexible, future-oriented office furnishing


Production and development centres are based in: Germany, Romania and China,

BACHMANN also operate around 30 sales offices and partner companies around the world.


What we stand for: To ensure long-term success, one of our key priorities is ensuring that our products, services and processes are tailored as far as possible to continuously changing market demands. Our clear objective is healthy, constant, international corporate growth, to which each individual makes their contribution. In this respect, people are our focus. Each individual is unique and makes an essential contribution to our success. Personal relationships with customers, suppliers and our own employees alike, some of which have been developed over many years, are therefore key to us. Our aspirations are backed up by our corporate values. These are firmly established within our culture and form the basis for our daily business operations – both externally and internally.

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PDU Switch Specialists & Accessories from Adder, Raritan, Avocent, Rittal & Rose, UK based